
Meet Your Coach...

Mary Biebel is a business coach who partners with small business owners to help them refine their trajectory and to grow their business in the real world. After spending three decades working with her partner to run a small manufacturing company, Mary knows the joys and threats of keeping a business alive and thriving. In addition to her extensive operations management, Mary is also a trained and certified business coach who gained a wealth of experience in human “operations” as an emergency department and hospice nurse. Outside of her passion for coaching and supporting small business owners, Mary loves spending time with her family and friends, hiking in the mountains, writing novels, and star gazing. She also loves seeing where science and spirituality is taking the human race and is eager to help others envision the future.

As a coach Mary looks at a business as a whole and see the places that can be improved to help you increase sales and profits while carving out "me" time for you and help you fulfill your "save the world" cravings.